Are you wondering why I spelled Origyn the way I did?
It's simple, and ancient. "Gyn" as a syllable (a combining form) means female, and is pronounced like GEN, as in generate. The Creatrix is Feminine and the first generator of life. Therefore, her name must contain the generating syllable. Conversely, when you see the combining form "andro-" it indicates male/masculine/man. It is curious that there is a word that means both. It is androgynous. It is made up of "andro-" (meaning male) and "gyn" (meaning female) and is pronounced ANdrawGENus. The word gynecology should, therefore be pronounced GENeKawloGee, but leave it to old male doctors way back in the dark ages of medicine to miss that little detail.
You are surrounded by Intelligent Energy. It is standing by to respond to your thought to create what you want. Anything you dwell on, reminisce over, or angrily rehash is read by this Energy as what you want. What do you want? We are all Co-creatorsWe are all connected to this Intelligent Energy and we are Co-creators with It. In our culture, we tend to whine to others about what’s not working for us, often blaming others for our unhappiness. We must, instead, make a definite habit of enjoying life and being capable of handling the challenges that come our way. Rather than complaining about it, make plans to fix it. The Intelligent Energy will read your self-assurance as your ability to create what you want in your experience. By focusing on pleasure in everyday things, enjoyment of nature and the simple gifts life offers, satisfaction in the achievement of goals, and sharing Love, Intelligent Energy will expand that. You are Directly Connected to the Power in Your Life Your subconscious is the internal instrument that is directly connected to Intelligent Energy which is the creative power in your life. Your conscious mind is like the architect who designs a building (your life), and your subconscious is like the contractor who guides the building process. But if you are constantly influenced by externals—friends, family, fads—and frequently change your mind, then your contractor is confused as to what you want it to create for you. Change Orders in the building industry cause problems, cost money and time, and delay completion of the project. It’s the same in your life. If you pay no mind to those externals, you can stay on course to create what you really want. But if you accept the externals and keep changing your mind, your “building” will resemble Winchester Mystery House: passages that lead to dead ends or have you going in circles, putting out effort but making no progress at all. If you dwell on the negative, or have poor expectations, the contractor will respond in kind. If it senses you’re not enjoying life, its response will be to give you more of that, because that must be what you want. It’s Everywhere and It’s Intelligent By showing Intelligent Energy that you enjoy being alive, working toward one clear goal, and knowing THAT ONE THING is what you most want in life, It will bring opportunities for more. For example, when you are consciously sharing Love, it will bring you more Love. Something you may not be aware of is that Intelligent Energy is in everything in existence. It is in the trees, grass, earth, sky, all the animals and birds, and in water. It may surprise you to think of water as intelligent and that it has life force energy. Many of you reading this are familiar with the crystal experiments done by Dr. Masaru Emoto. That is a vivid example of thought influencing Intelligent Energy in the water from which the crystals formed. Energy that makes up everything in existence has intelligence! Understanding this will bring us nearer to the peace, tranquility, and natural harmony we seek. It’s In Us, Too! Intelligent Energy is also in us. Our subconscious directs It. Belief in health, strength, and positive outcomes determines our overall attitude and keeps to the architect’s original design. Athletes know that having an “I can” attitude and imagining how it feels to achieve success in their sport can be the difference between winning and losing. The thoughts in your mind are the cause of your experiences. Sometimes it is a challenge to keep your thoughts on track, but gently nudge them back from distractions. That is the way you will bring what you want into form. It Registers both Positive and Negative Thought Two phrases we often use, which actually work against us, are “I don’t” and “I can’t.” These phrases defeat us. Use your knowledge of your language to phrase your intention in positive terms. Another is “I need.” Believe it or not, this tells Intelligent Energy that there is lack in your life. As we’ve already covered, Intelligent Energy responds to what you feel and think, so if you express lack, guess what you’re going to get more of! Balance of Masculine and Feminine EnergyAnother issue with thought has to do with the Right and Left hemispheres of the brain. The right side communicates in images, has no language, and is connected with the feminine energy in every one of us, male or female. It has a soft, wave-like orientation. Intuition arises there and when we train ourselves to listen to/feel its messages, we receive instant and easy guidance. The left side has language and has a linear orientation. It is connected with the masculine energy and it is here that the male desire to find linear solutions to perceived problems resides. The nurturance of the feminine balances the hard-driving push for progress of the masculine. Plan Your MiraclesThought is the most underused faculty that humanity possesses. Its proper use can bring about miracles. If you have even very tiny but certain faith, you can make very big things happen. Keep a positive outlook, plan where you want to go in life, and never doubt its possibility. Intelligent Energy is standing by.
It’s long been known that a person becomes what s/he thinks about. So, be certain you want what you think about. The Balance of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine require both to be present, act together or trade taking the lead, but one or the other, going to extremes, can create havoc. A Familiar IllustrationThis is charmingly played out in the movie The Sound of Music In the story, we have the Captain, a masculine military man who believes in running a tight ship. He is a widower, with seven children ranging from preschool to high school. Masculinity UncheckedWhat should a man with a military background do when left with a houseful of children?
Where is the Sacred Feminine? The Sacred She has been erased. Most Western cultures only recognize a male god. Are we going to stand for that? Going to Hell?
This is a string of ideas that flowed from me. I've been discovering the Sacred Feminine and the balance of it with the Sacred Masculine. As a woman, I felt connected and alive, and inspired by these ideas. I hope that some of them speak to you and guide you on a path of discovery.
Open to Advancement Accept your own Potentiality Accept the Power You Own The Feminine Dimension contains Divine Feminine, the Wildish Woman, and a blending, resulting in Strong Peace--Our Future. Passion and Purpose The Woman's Heart: A Divine Feminine and Wildish Woman Challenge This is the challenge of synthesizing the Divine Feminine and Wild Woman in a technological culture and age. If any of this speaks to you, please leave a comment and start a conversation on the Fullness of Creating Womanhood. We are striving for a cultural norm that embraces Mother Earth, since the old one that dominates isn’t working so well. We want our carbon footprint to be small, our resources to be sustainable, our air and water to be pure, and our waste to be recycled, composted, or nearly non-existent.
Once again, I bring up the Feminine Dimension, this time to address fully functional, harmonious living. Way back in the Neolithic period of Old Europe, people who worshipped a female deity—The Goddess—lived with and loved the Earth. Many of us today refer to Earth as Gaia—the goddess name given by the ancient Greeks—because we want to express a real feeling of companionship and reverence for the metaphysical Life Force that is, in every respect, feminine. Just outside your window, you’ll see evidence of the Feminine Dimension in the form of a world waking up for spring and summer. Flowers opening, and blossoms awaiting pollination to start the seed-forming process to create the next generation of the plant. Birds, squirrels, cats, dogs, all rushing to the mating call of Nature, like the plants, heeding the cyclical call to begin new life. We see this birth, growth, maturity, decline, death and rebirth cycle of life played out for us every trip around the sun. Life is all around us buzzing, popping, calling, singing, barking, meowing, bellowing, screeching, stretching, budding, forming fruit, pushing roots deeper into the earth, turning to follow the sun’s rays through the day, making seeds, duplicating cells, growing bigger, eating, pooping, making webs, nests, hives, tunnels, warrens, burrows, learning to fly, crawl, dig, transforming from bug to insect. All because they heed the natural instinct that they are endowed with, the one that humans have denied in themselves because we are civilized and above all that. It’s almost overwhelming, but it is real life. The Feminine Dimension is constantly at work producing life, supporting life, ripening it to harvest for man, bird, and beast. That is the waxing part of the life cycle. Next comes the waning part, when seed falls to the ground, gets covered over by leaves, animal activity, and the natural inhabitants of the soil, constantly tunneling, turning, and processing. There, it sleeps through the winter, as does most all of Nature, until the seasonal change in sunlight, rain, and warmth reawaken this slumbering seed to burst with new life to begin the cycle again. Perennials, like trees and shrubs slumber in place, some with leaves, others without, then sunny, warm spring days awaken them, blossoms open, tiny new leaves, needles, or fronds push forth from their buds giving us the sudden colors of burgeoning life. Gaia has put on her fresh, spring dress to dance in the sun and the moonlight. Or so it seems. Being small on the face of this big, beautiful planet, we northern hemisphere residents sometimes forget that Australia, Africa, and South America are experiencing these same seasons, but exactly opposite to ours. We have summer, they have winter; we have autumn, they have spring. This is proof that the Feminine Dimension includes not only cycles, but balance in those cycles. (So maybe Gaia is wearing mukluks with that dress.) It is cycles that are natural. Varying hours of daylight through the year are natural and not at all dependent on clock time. Goddess People understood this and lived happy, productive, peaceful lives in harmony with Nature. They chose flat, alluvial plains by rivers for their villages with fertile soil for their crops as well as good grass for their animals. They followed the cycles of the region where they lived. Being in harmony with Nature led them, likewise, to live in harmony with each other. Archaeologists have found no evidence of fortifications around these villages. In addition, art and beautification are found everywhere: in figurines, household pottery, mosaic floors, and wall murals. These civilizations, of more than 5,000 years ago in the area of Europe surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, were living much as we hope to. Their love of The Goddess and their harmonious care for Her creation were central to their lives. It's a Game called LifeYou can watch it all happen
Or you can be a player If you think there are things that hold you back Take a good look at them Ask yourself if what they represent is actually true Ask if the outcome you envision is really the only one Ask if there’s a part of yourself that’s scared Then ask why? You may find out that the fear is exaggerated And all you have to do is have courage to take the first step. If your children have mastered most of what you’ve tried to teach them—they’re in their mid-teens, college, or adult life—you have earned the right to step away from the full-time “Mom” expression of who you are, to reclaim your “Woman” expression. Now is the time to return to the power of the deep feminine that filled you with joy and possibility for your life.
When you were free and independent—before marriage, children, an 8 to 5 job, a mortgage, and whirlwind activities to keep up—you had dreams of what your life would be like. Being pulled in different directions at once, you put your dreams aside; you became a part of the daily life around you, and put your energy into meeting the demands from outside yourself. Wouldn’t it be nice to, once again, feel your own deep feminine energy welling up inside you seeking full expression in your life? I am adding a new facet to my practice, one that brings deep appreciation and enjoyment to our lives. I invite your participation, and your collaboration as this takes form. We will draw from ancient cultures that were thriving before the Romans overran their civilizations. Many were either matriarchal or equal societies. Much of their daily practice was Earth- and nature-centered—observances of Moon phases, seasons, the cycle of life, and life-force in all things—weaving in ritual, giving every activity meaning and sacredness. Appreciation was given to the stillness of night, the freshness of morning, the sound of birdsong, the opening of a flower bud, and noticing as tiny orbs of life grew into fruits and vegetables that would nourish them. I chose the word Fabulize to express the full, rich potential available to us, as Womankind, in how we energize the world, bringing back an awareness that gave depth to the lives of our foremothers. We can Fabulize every aspect of our daily lives while giving influence beyond our locality. As embodiments of the Divine Feminine, we bring sacredness, honoring, compassionate nurturing, cooperation, peacefulness, and natural beauty to nourish all life on this planet. We have this opportunity to remake the attitudes of war and control into peaceful cooperation and respect. The egoic energy that propels countries into war for domination and exploitation of people and resources, that pushes companies and individuals into fierce competition and take-over schemes, is being replaced by a higher consciousness. That consciousness is greatly aligned with the Divine Feminine aspect of creation. By reclaiming our feminine energy and expressing it in our lives as we interact with family, friends, coworkers, and the community at large, we seed the planet with it. What we nurture in ourselves, now, can ensure a better future. If God created a universe in an instant, she enjoyed it so much she did it again and again and again. Who would be there to stop her? Child-like, she learned to do something new and practiced it over and over. Maybe she put a little spin on it the next time, and the next.
There might be beings who can change material and immaterial at a thought. As humans, we don’t understand, but they do. They can change anything to suit themselves. For them, there may not be one reality. They may not know what reality means. They have the ability to change and that is their constant. They know no other. Change is our constant, too, but we resist it mightily. Unlike them, we would make it stop completely, because we say we like things just the way they are. But the way they are is constantly changing. We don’t know what true reality is. What we know is a consensus idea. Humanity—educated and not—have the idea that here is real. Earth is real. If a person grows up on a vast plain, does s/he believe there is a mountain, or an ocean even more vast than the plain? What is true? The person on the plain knows the sky, the sun orb skating across from one side to the other. S/he knows clouds and rain. S/he knows the night sky with blackness and glowing points of light that seem to twinkle. S/he doesn’t know why. It just is. And for her/him, it always has been and probably, if s/he's thought about future time, always will be. Humanity has an insatiable need to know—curiosity. We see stars and want to see them close up. We invent optics so we can get a closer view. We invent rockets to take pictures far off into the sky. We ask why? How? When? Scientists don’t like to ask Who? Who is not part of the equation. They’ve figured it out, starting from a dot that exploded. They look far, far away and say it is long, long ago to the beginning of time. But where was the dot? How did it get there? Who or what made it? And why did it explode? We humans invent things, outside ourselves; we fashion them so they make things happen. What if we don’t need made things--perhaps we're like the beings making and unmaking, never leaving any clutter. Just there, and not there. Speak to the molecules and atoms that are you and surround you. They are intelligent. They listen. They make. They bring. They also unmake, and take away. Because we believe that made things must stay made, we have clutter. We have waste. We take from the Earth Mother and don’t know, really, how to put back. It’s all material to us because, collectively, we believe it. What if we didn’t? |
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